Friday, January 26, 2007

Deep End of My Mind

So ok, this is my eight blog, which I'm sure sound measly to all you seniors out there but I was hoping that by now I would have a better feel for all of this. And I don't mean tech wise either... (although that would be nice too.)

What I mean is ... aah what do I mean? And how does one form it into words. What I am trying to say... well... maybe that's just it. I am never sure of what it is that I want to say. And what I don't want to say. How much do I really want you to know about me? Do I want you to know that I had a bad day if otherwise you would not know it? Who are you anyways? How does a writer know how to write if he does not know who the reader is? And how do you know that what you are about to read is something that you really wanted to know?

So I have a bit of an inner conflict every time I think of posting. I am not one to willingly participate in surface talk... I do not even care to simply give a running commentary on the happenings of my life... yet how much is too much?

Monday, January 22, 2007


I just spent half an hour writing a blog and accidentally pressing the wrong button, resulting in me having to start over. And even if I really had it in me to write all that over again I certainly don't have the time it would require of me. Note to self Margaret, always use the "Save as Draft" function before attempting anything else.

What I will say is that finally, yes finally we have joined the world of wireless technology and are now owners of a cell phone. I wish I could say proud new owners but to tell you the truth the fact that there is this notion out there that one just "has" to have a cell phone has been enough to keep me from getting one. But having five kids, leaving the house and being unreachable is just not a good thing. So there is is... but keep it hush hush cuz I'll throw the thing out the window if it keeps ringing all day.

Next on the list is getting hooked up with high speed internet. And then all you folks who keep calling only to receive a busy signal can rest in peace.

Well quiet time has quickly come to an end and we've all been looking forward to watching Cinderella 2... ( well ok maybe not all of us, but certainly Lisha) so I shall sign off for now.

Monday, January 15, 2007

10 Things I Love About You

This one is for you, my dear friend Shivvon.

I love you because...

#10. You give glory to the Creator of all things through your art work.... (and cuz you keep my kid's art work . :))

#9. You are selfless, constantly giving.

#8. You bounce when you play DDR.

#7. You have a love for scripture.

#6. Your addicted.... to knitting of course, and you even do it in public. :)

#5. There is continual laughter when in your presence.

#4. You stand during worship.

#3. You'll stay over to bake a birthday cake with me in the middle of the night.

#2. I could have easily made this into a list of a hundred things I love about you.

#1. You completely adore my children, and because they are just as crazy about you as you are about them.

Thanks Bon-Bon!
We love yah!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Green Hot Chocolate

Whoever came up with the thought that basically were "all good at heart" should take a closer look.

I guess I am what you could call a realist. I don't beat around to bush and I usually just lay it out as it is. Pretty or not. So I've long come to terms with the evil right within my very own being. But I tell you, it's one thing to know it lives with in you, yourself, but it's a whole different story when you see that very same ugly thing wrestling within your children.

It rears it's head all too often... kinda like at this lunch hour.

My son who is 5 and in Kindergarten had a good but taxing morning at school, so he had a hard time keeping it together afterwards and as a result he was having to miss lunch for the day. To spice up the leftovers from the night before I decided to make some Hot Chocolate to go along with the lunch. Not just any old hot chocolate but ones straight from Disney World. With three different colors to choose from, my daughter, (who is also 5) picked green. Not the blue, no the red which we have yet to try, but the green. Now to you that likely means nothing, but I know different. I KNOW why she picked green. See it's my sons favorite color. And yes it's the very son who is confined to his room for the time being and is now consequently missing out not only on lunch but his favorite colored hot chocolate as well. I think to myself "Whatever! What he doesn't know can't hurt him" and proceed to make it.

Except he does know. 'How does he know?' you may be asking. Well this is where my darling three year old son comes into the picture. My little angel, even after having been specifically warned not to, in an unsuspecting moment sneaked off to his brothers room and kindly informed him, that indeed we were having GREEN hot chocolate. As if the kid hadn't hadn't been through enough already.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Sunless Vault

I'm still at work... same stupid song is playing as was when I first walked in here two hours ago. "Get To Me" by Train. The first time I heard it I thought it wasn't half bad but they totally killed it. I don't know how I feel about blogging from work. Not that I'm on the clock or anything and I have the place all to myself as usual but it's just not home.

I hear the sounds of ambulance coming to a stop near by...

Today was a rough day, tomorrow may prove to be the same. Not because of outward influences so much but because of a restlessness coming from within. I get like that every once in a while... and for the most part I've learned to recognise the signs. I know when it's coming. It builds within me. Sometimes slowly, sometimes not so. It starts as small funnel cloud with the potential to form into a full blown tornado. Reckless.

At times like these it is tempting to make drastic decisions, life altering choices. But I've learned to just hang on tight, to sit motionless in a sense. Till the storm passes and visibility returns to at least somewhat of a reasonable state. I should go running. It allows some of that restlessness to escape and exercise and fresh air usually leave me in a better frame of mind. Sometimes I'll go out to Little Mountain Park with the family, whether it just be with a few of my kids, my husband, or my Momma and bro. I always leave with the inescapable notion that less is more.

I assume things will turn around when my crew goes of Monday morning and I can resume with my regular agenda, and if not I'm sure you'll be hearing more a bout it. It's been great having them home for Christmas break but some stuff has gone neglected which leaves me feeling... the way I'm feeling. Sleep for one... time with my Father... time spent alone, etc.

It's time for me to go home... seeing as I have to be back here in only what seems like a few hours.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Time Vaccumee

In my quest to familiarise myself with this whole new world of blogging I came upon the "Next Blog" feature... thus the title of this entry. But I guess it wasn't a complete waist of time.... it proved to be somewhat educational. One can find anything out there ranging from the "just plain dumb", to "nasty", to ones in Chinese which do me no good, to the oh so very elite and articulate ones that intimidate the socks right off of yeah. I guess I hope I fall somewhere in the middle....

Despite of the time it says I posted this, (haven't figured that one out yet) it's really 12:04 A.M. Which means that my kids library books and videos are now 4 minutes overdue... make that five minutes. Which kinda sucks because apparently last time my honey said we had about twenty dollars of late fees which kind of defeats the whole purpose in going to the library instead of dishing out the money to purchase the stuff in the first place. But somehow I doubt that the librarian people are sitting at the drop off slot just waiting to bust me, although one can never be certain...

So I hope to post some pictures soon... technical difficulties again. I think I know what I'm doing... but they just won't load... maybe that's a draw back of being from the time before dinosaurs and still being on dial up. I'm sure I'll have it figured out soon and you can put a picture to the text.

Well as much as I would like to procrastinate just a wee bit longer those library books are not going to return themselves. And I would like to get to bed before the clock hits one. I had a horrible night last night. Bad dreams, tossing and turning and all that fun stuff.

Oh wait! It just dawned on me that I can't drive because as of December 31st I don't have a valid licence. Oops.. Gotta go and take care of that first thing in the morning.

Hehe.. see I told you I'd figgure it out... (the time thing)

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Spiritual Pilgrimage

Well just as predicted, I had to rely on the expertise of my brother in order to get back on here. I have a strange feeling that it all didn't need to be as complicated as it proved to be. But nuff said. The point is that I am here.

A passage taken from a personal letter written by Leo Tolstoy. A piece that I read a while back ago and absolutely fell in love with...

" "What about you, Lev Nikolayevich, you preach very well, but do you carry out what you preach?" This is the most natural of questions and one that is always asked of me; it is usually asked victoriously, as thought it were a way of stopping my mouth. "You preach, but how do you live?" And I answer that I do not preach, that I am not able to preach, although I passionately wish to. I can preach only through my actions, and my actions are vile... And I answer that I am guilty, and vile, and worthy of contempt for my failure to carry them out.
At the same time, not in order to justify, but simply in order to explain my lack of consistency, I say: "Look at my present life and then at my former life, and you will see that I do attempt to carry them out. It is true that I have not fulfilled one thousandth part of them (Christian precepts), and I am ashamed of this, but I have failed to fulfill them not because I do not wish to, but because I was unable to. Teach me how to escape from the net of temptations that surrounds me, help me and I will fulfill them; even without help I wish and hope to fulfill them.
"Attack me, I do this myself, but attack me rather then the path I follow and which I point out to anymore who asks me where I think it lies. If I know the way home and am walking along it drunkenly, is it any less the right way because I am staggering from side to side! If it is not the right way, then show me another way, but if I stagger and lose the way, you must help me, you must keep me on the true path, just as I am ready to support you. Do not mislead me, do not be glad that I have got lost, do not shout out joyfully:'Look at him! He said he was going home, but there he is crawling into a bog!' No, do not gloat, but give me your help and support"

Couldn't have said it better myself...

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


Well it's about time that I finally have my own blog! Up to this point it's only been me going through my days thinking about what I'm going to write on my non existing site and now that I'm here I'm all choked up and at loss for words. Classic.

Well first I'll say it's been a pain in the butt just trying to get on here. See I made my account late last night.. or to be more accurate, really early this morning. Like 1:30 A.M. kinda early. (I still had my baby girls birthday cake in the oven, the cook book said it would take two hours to bake! TWO HOURS!) It was at that point that I decided since I have been so eagerly awaiting this moment that I should NOT post my first post because I was too tired to be able to truly appreciate it for the monumental moment that it was. That bring us to to the present... where I tried to log on and it keeps telling me that my user name and password don't match! Computers and I is what doesn't match! See that's just the beginning of it all. I tried and tried to figure it all out but with little progress so I finally decided to just start a new account... which didn't go over well either... don't ask how and why but it got messed up which led me to only one option and that was to start yet a THIRD account. And that's that! So this is me, with my third and final account... which I have yet to officially simply log on to without having just created an account which has proved to be not an easy task for me. But this post seals the deal, it's official, and there is no going back. The only option after this is to call my brother and whine yet again about how much I hate computers and could he please fix it for me.

Well I think I'm going to sign off now... I'm kinda curious how this is all going to turn out. Assuming all goes well I plan to be back soon.