Friday, January 26, 2007

Deep End of My Mind

So ok, this is my eight blog, which I'm sure sound measly to all you seniors out there but I was hoping that by now I would have a better feel for all of this. And I don't mean tech wise either... (although that would be nice too.)

What I mean is ... aah what do I mean? And how does one form it into words. What I am trying to say... well... maybe that's just it. I am never sure of what it is that I want to say. And what I don't want to say. How much do I really want you to know about me? Do I want you to know that I had a bad day if otherwise you would not know it? Who are you anyways? How does a writer know how to write if he does not know who the reader is? And how do you know that what you are about to read is something that you really wanted to know?

So I have a bit of an inner conflict every time I think of posting. I am not one to willingly participate in surface talk... I do not even care to simply give a running commentary on the happenings of my life... yet how much is too much?


Anonymous said...

I think of my blog as a scrap book of things that I want to remember. That, and maybe a bit of lens onto how I hope others will perceive me. Audience is secondary... no, make that 10th or further down. I appreciate their input, but this is a "freebie ticket" and I am not about to do monkey acts to amuse or entertain at that 'price'. I hope I can achieve that, but if not, oh well: cry me a river, while I eat my ice cream cone and sit, swinging my legs.

Hope this helps. :)

Selah said...

See but that's just the thing. "A bit of a lense onto how people perceive me." I am a bit like tofu..(I know a bit far fetched but try and stay with me on this one) I tend to absorb the flavour of those around me. Or maybe it's just that I pick my friends according to my tastes.... some company I enjoy for their sense of humour and the laughter they bring, you can almost always count on having a blast toghether. Some friendships are confined to deep soul searching, navel gazing, etc.There are also those that require more giving then taking, and visa versa. And those that have yet to planted their roots anywhere. How I interact with the person depends on who they are, in an of themselves as well as in relation to me.

Well there is nothin' like comparing onself to bean curd....