Thursday, January 4, 2007

Time Vaccumee

In my quest to familiarise myself with this whole new world of blogging I came upon the "Next Blog" feature... thus the title of this entry. But I guess it wasn't a complete waist of time.... it proved to be somewhat educational. One can find anything out there ranging from the "just plain dumb", to "nasty", to ones in Chinese which do me no good, to the oh so very elite and articulate ones that intimidate the socks right off of yeah. I guess I hope I fall somewhere in the middle....

Despite of the time it says I posted this, (haven't figured that one out yet) it's really 12:04 A.M. Which means that my kids library books and videos are now 4 minutes overdue... make that five minutes. Which kinda sucks because apparently last time my honey said we had about twenty dollars of late fees which kind of defeats the whole purpose in going to the library instead of dishing out the money to purchase the stuff in the first place. But somehow I doubt that the librarian people are sitting at the drop off slot just waiting to bust me, although one can never be certain...

So I hope to post some pictures soon... technical difficulties again. I think I know what I'm doing... but they just won't load... maybe that's a draw back of being from the time before dinosaurs and still being on dial up. I'm sure I'll have it figured out soon and you can put a picture to the text.

Well as much as I would like to procrastinate just a wee bit longer those library books are not going to return themselves. And I would like to get to bed before the clock hits one. I had a horrible night last night. Bad dreams, tossing and turning and all that fun stuff.

Oh wait! It just dawned on me that I can't drive because as of December 31st I don't have a valid licence. Oops.. Gotta go and take care of that first thing in the morning.

Hehe.. see I told you I'd figgure it out... (the time thing)

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