Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year... look. I wasn't all that fond of the last look, and considering the options available I don't know that this is any better but we'll just go for it.

I took a three hour nap this afternoon and got rudely interrupted by my dog and her uncontrollable barking. Why fix the doorbell when you have a dog on hand? And who is at my door but a couple of local police men? We live in Weston. It's not crazy out of the ordinary except when I find out that they were there in regards to my eight year old daughter. Now that is crazy! Or should I say that the lady across the street is crazy. Old and bitter, and crazy. It's all good. We'll take care of it. ;)

Honestly I thought I would have more energy with my little nap and all, I thought would be up all night doing who knows what but it's half past midnight and I am ready to hit the sack so I will go straight to my updates.

It seems I have been a week off in my calculations. I am only 5 weeks, and 2 days. This is both a good and bad news. Good news in that my concerns about not experiencing morning sickness have been premature as it usually does not hit till around week 6. Bad news? I am only half way till the ten week mark, which I have never yet obtained. Maybe I will allow myself the right to breath a little if I ever do get there. Maybe....

No great symptoms to report on.

Breasts feeling like two atomic size masses. Tired. And to be honest I did have some cramping on my left side last night as well as today. Not ridiculously intense, not prolonged, but definitely there. Much to everyone's relief I am not feeling quite as crabby the last few days.


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