Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday, Friday

Breakfast- Coffee... and a lot of it.
- 4... or was it 5 ginger snap cookies? Either way, very good Pat!
- and an orange.... see it's not ALL junk food.

Lunch- A few spoons full of left over chicken noodle soup. (Still saving some for you Shivvy)
- two slices of cheese.
- a piece of chocolate pudding pie with whipped cream of course...
- another piece of pie.... someone has to finish it.
- nacho flavored Corn Nuts.

Ahh what a great start to a weekend. :) Maybe I'll make pancakes for supper. :) Hahaha... JJ. Seriously I've had more then mt share of sugar and coffee for the next couple of days.

Today Seth and Lisha declared that they are best friends. Sweet. I shall remind them of that in about ten years.

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