Saturday, March 22, 2008


Hmmm.... I hope I wasn't like that in the old days....

My baby is officially seven.... it's hard to believe and makes my heart kinda cramp up in a surreal kinda way. But we've got a special bond, always have and I can only hope and pray we always will. It goes way back to when he was just a wee little one and we would sit early in the mornings at the window after Daddy left for work. We would sit and watch all the cars, trucks, and buses as the rushed on by.

Today he confessed that although he is seven he will always be my baby.

And yet.. and yet his eye has caught another. I'm a bit shocked, I'll admit. I mean, he's a boy and quite an absent minded one at that .. and yet. Ahh she's a darling if I do say so myself. And it was quite something watching her watching him as she was standing up on stage receiving her little diploma. One day he asked me how exactly he would go about getting her but by the looks of it he's got nothing to worry bout. :)

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