Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I cannot help but wonder, is there such a thing as too much dreaming? A cap of some sort? Maybe like a salary cap or something like when your at the airport and your limited to two carry on luggage per person. Or that red line on the coffee maker indicating the maximum amount.

Maybe per person, but not per life time, or so I think anyway. See I find, interestingly enough that once you fulfill a dream, it makes room for another. It's kind of like a production line of sort. One comes off, another one comes on. Always moving, always cycling through.

Or maybe it's just me and my unquenchable thirst for more. Is that a bad thing? I suppose it could be but mostly I think not. I think it's human nature. Just how we're made. Always looking past the horizon, always on a quest for more. The trick is remaining grateful for what you do have. To not be consumed. To not allow our wants to morph and disguise themselves as needs. To not loose sight of the true necessities in life.

I've been so blessed with this new job. To have the opportunity to do what I truly love and get paid for it! Wow, it's been amazing ever step of the way! And so I was completely taken a back when a new... no, not a new but an old dream, a very old dream actually... a dream yet to have been fulfilled, crept back into my mind and heart.

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