It's an old Lay's Chip slogan but it just as easily could have been Satan's famous one liner when he tempted Eve with the fruit of the forbidden tree.
I must admit, that tree has always bothered me. Not so much that it existed... (although that's annoying in and of itself) but WHERE it existed. By the gates on your way in? In the back corner? Down by some secret stream?
It was right smack down in the middle of the garden.
Undoubtedly Eve passed it every morning as she gathered breakfast for her and hubby. Would she have taken cover in it's shade from the hot summer sun? Maybe it was Adams peeing corner! We'll never really know but my point is that it was right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of ever day life. Much as they may have liked to, it just couldn't have been avoided.
Now there is some people I know, (and maybe... ok no maybes about it, I was guilty of this myself at some point), who if they could have, would not hesitate for a split second to bring in a whole crew of workmen, hard hats and all. Maybe some steam rollers or whatever other big heavy machinery deemed necessary and removed the whole darn thing altogether, roots and all.
Maybe... a that's a BIG maybe.... they would replant it somewhere else in some dark corner of the garden. A corner nobody ever thinks about and certainly never set foot in.
In need of an interior decorator? Look elsewhere because quite obviously God lacked in his ability to coordinate a functional living space.
Or did he? Did God really lack that kind of foresight or did he intend on that silly old tree being so darn unavoidable? I have a deep suspicion that moving it would have somehow defied the tree of it's very purpose. It was where it was, and it was there so by design.
Now what this means for you and me is another long story... a life time of a story to be exact.
(I've never added in image from the web before, and I didn't want it THAT big, but ironically it seems rather fitting to the story.)
And really, I was going somewhere with this chip thing but got a little side tracked. Darn tree. ALWAYS in the way! Oh well... next post.
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