It's past one and I should so be in bed! I just started getting back into somewhat of a regular sleeping habit since my cold and now it's all shot! I'll pay for this tomorrow big time... I went online just to check my messages and happened to drop in to chat and stayed for an hour! People made me so darn hyper! And that's why I'm here. I have no good book to read so this was the next best thing. I have no good pics to post so I'm feeling cheep...
Ahh... well let's see if I can pull something up..
It;s still in need of post processing... that's right brother! I said it! But it's likely going to be one of my entries for the contest.
Hmm... what else should I tell you.
My shallow breathing is not helping the creative juices flow here... people are stressing me out lately. I should have pre-anticipated that... wait a minute.. I DID pre-anticipate that! Well would you look at that...just not quite at this force. And maybe it's not even the people that are causing it...
Here I go again... being all random and stuff.. For a while now I have thought about renaming, revamping my blog. Just wasn't liking Chaotic Harmony anymore... besides.. it's not all that chaotic around here anymore. It's about time to throw another little person in here just to shake things up a little...
My girls were telling me about this gargantuan puzzle they have at youth.. that's where I would have spent my whole evening without a doubt. So yeah... Pieces of Me. That shall be the new name... bits and pieces... when I get around to it that is. Which may not be for a while...
Oh and on a different thought... I finally managed to get some oomph back in me to tackle this fraudulent french door again... have it mostly cleaned and ready to go. Man this better turn out right this time!
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